Monday, November 10, 2008

Ready For A New Addition

Taylor and Nolan 1 day old in the hospital. I am 18 days away from my due date, and dialated at a 3 (TMI for most of you). I have gained about 23-26 lbs...whose counting, my left leg looks like a map of the world, while my right in normal. I have hardly slept the last three nights, not from discomfort, but more of a head game. Those changes are about the only things I can get into now. Lately this pregnancy has gotten a whole lot more comfortable...hopefully that is a sign for an easy delivery...who I am kidding I will be too drugged to fully asess that topic. I am done acting crazy, and ready to hold a new beautiful baby daughter. I have enjoyed the beautiful state of baby incubator long enough....enough is enough!! Thank you all my family and friends for being so supportive and wonderful during this last and final pregnancy for a west baby. I am looking forward to every minute to come.

1 comment:

Joe and Audra said...

I can only imagine how anxious you are to have Jessy to hold. I am so excited to meet her. I'm sure only a fraction as much as you, though. :)