Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Well Check

Jessy had her four month well check today, and she is a healthy beautiful perfect baby. She is in the 50% for height, 30% for weight, and 25% for head. She is growing steady. I get so many comments on how "small" she is, and really don't get that. I am not sure what they mean by that. Small compared to, your dog, your teenager??? She is a baby, they come small. I feel like I am supposed to reassure them that I am feeding her , btw I am.
When I make comments out in the general public I try to stick with something that sounds like a compliment. Such as, she is beautiful, your dog is cute, or, oh my what a nice hand bag! LOL. Here is me going off.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Rolling Over

Here is a video of Jessy rolling over. I'll warn you that if you are not incredibly in love with her the one minute video will feel like an hour. P.S. I am the dorkiest narrator sorry, you may want to mute it.

Thumb Suckers

All my kids are thumb suckers...I hate to admit it, but so was I. I even have memories are my parents trying to get me to stop sucking my thumb. They tried hot mustard, tabasco sauce, and some stuff that makes you sick...thank you darling parents. Taylor is weaning herself off the thumb slowly, but it there when she needs it. Jessy has two teeth coming in on the bottom, it seems so early, time is just flying by again.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Catching Up

We have had a lot going on lately and it has been so hard to keep up. We had a visit with the fam this last weekend that went by way too quick. We fit in shopping trips, 6 hair cuts, high lights, beauty parlor, two blogs, new email, MP3 training and so much more. The school of Aunt Minnie. We had a great time, and I love all my family sooooo much even though they make me crazy at the same time...go figure. Love to all. My niece Harley got her hair and makeup done and we all decided that she looks like Hanah Montanah with her wig on. She is gorgous!!! I gave my Dad one of the only hair cuts he has gotten in years, he usually cuts his own hair....yikes! Looking good Dad.
Jessy is growing bigger exponetially, Nolan is sweeter, and Taylor is smarter. She told me that she hasn't learned anything at preschool this year so far. I asked her what she meant, and she said, "they haven't event taught me how to read a book mom!" Way too cute, I am not energetic enough to get her to where she wants to be.
So today I put myself out there a little, not too much and found out that I am gratefull to have friends to rely on. So glad I had back up today. Thanks Tera for making me not feel so bad about carefully laying out many pieces of uneaten cake and spotless unused glasses of wine. LOL. Here's to everyone!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

American Idol Fan

Last season was the first time I watched American Idol. I am always lagging behind trends. This year, I love so many contestants. I have a good feeling who is going home this week, but next week it is going to be tough. I get way sucked into stories of triumph, and wouldn't you know it they all have one. I heart Danny Gomke. I asked Jay if I could make a shirt and he say not so much. The rocker 16 year old is great as well, I am liking her. Cheers to 10 more weeks of a show you know will actually be on.

Monday, March 2, 2009

New Blog

I added a new blog to my list, called waves in the dust, this is my cousin Matt and his girlfriend Bri. These two have spent the last year sailing the California coast through the Panama Canal and now are just below Florida fixing their new boat. The literally live off beans and rice and whatever can fit into their tiny little pot over their propane stove. They are now living out of their VW van while fixing up their boat. Their next adventure will be to sail the Bahamas. It is an interesting story to keep up on. Matt is my Dad's brother's youngest son. Be safe and happy trails.

Dear Taylor, Nolan, and Jessy

Hey kids I am officially that weird mom who waits in line on a rainy day to try to get you into the best preschool and is willing to drive back and forth so you can play green light/red light at soccer practice at the tender age of 3 and 4. I never thought I would be the mom who over thinks everything, and I mean everything. Can't wait until public school and yellow school buses and limited options. Good luck with your own little ones, hope it is smooth sailing!!!

The Greats

The kids had a chance to catch up with some of their great grandparents along the way. We visited with my Grandma DeEsta, who is just a neat women. She is an artist, and a women of many talents. She sews baby blankets, hundreds, and sends them to babies in Africa. She used to teach high school alternative students how to paint, she says they have the most creative energy. Her husband is a "rock hound," with an extensive collection. He literally has a dinosaur tooth in his living room. He has thousands of fosills and precious gems. Their house is a minature natural history museum. Between her and her husband they have around 160 children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great great. That is amazing!!!!
My Grandpa and Grandma Rolaine just completed a three mission at the cannery and loved it. They are enjoying life in their small town and keeping things low key for a while with their two poodles.

Visit With Auntie Nonsense

We just got back from a looong road trip. We spent about 20 hours in the car over 5 days time. There is nothing quite like a DVD player in your is literally worth one million dollars. J/K. We were able to visit a lot of family and got to experience life on a military base. The middle picture is Jaiden who is about 7 months old and rolling all over the place. The kids loved playing with cousins.