Monday, January 19, 2009

High School Sweet Heart

I never knew how much I could love someone until I had children. There is nothing you wouldn't do to protect your children and make them happy. Both my parents and the kid's Grandparents know the pain of saying good bye to a child. A pain that is unimaginable in a way I couldn't even start to understand until my kids were born.
11 years ago today, my high school sweet heart, Josh, passed away. The time has been both slow and fast, either way it is unreal to think it has been that long. He was a great friend to many and an outstanding person. Josh, his talents, personality, green suburu, and dreams will always be remembered. You can read more about him at
Visit Guest Book for Josh J. Roberts
To all my moms out there do right by your kids and love them love them love them.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Dear Sir or Madamn;

To whom ever is writing the script for Greys Anatomy....come on!!! Are you serious??? Denny Dueket died how many seasons ago? If you are going to be that cheesy, couldn't you bring him back as a twin brother or wait he really isn't dead he has just been in a coma in a different hospital. You are losing me people, I am over this scenerio already. Izzy's character could do a lot better. And Alex Karev, do I even need to go there??? Scrubs would be a much better replacement for NBC Thursday.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Prime Time TV

Yes I am a fan of prime time TV, it is my world to unwind. I love the biggest loser....never a rerun. This season they have the biggest people they have ever had. It is a great show, there is nothing better than a make over. Weather its your house, garden, or yourself, instant gratification rocks! Isn't that why drugs exist? I always make a snack during the show and let the kids watch it with us. I am trying to enstill health while eating brownies or popcorn. My stratagies on parenting are still developing. LOL. My TV line up is desperate housewifes, prison break, biggest loser, greys anatomy, private practice, and deliver me. Seems like a lot of TV...cheers to primetime.

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Selfish Cycle

Taylor baby pic...not a clue how old you are
At work this weekend one of my coworker husbands had to remind me a few times to smile. Sometimes you forget that when you are thinking about something else, but what a difference it makes. The more you genuinely smile the better day you probably had. He also said something that caught my interest. He said, that when his first child was born he realized how selfish he had been his whole life because he only had himself to think about. Then when the second child was born he realized how selfish the first child was always used to getting all the attention and pampering. Then with more children you realize you better start being selfish again or you will never survive parenting. Very charming man, thanks for the pep talk DD.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

BBG Has Flown The Coop

My sister came home to visit for two weeks during Christmas. We are love having her home, especially the kids and her new dog, BBG. Michelle and her roomate named her Bella Bean, but we are so used to calling her Ginea Pig. We combined...Bella Bean Ginea. It is all irrelevent as the dog can't even hear. Michelle took the dog home yesterday. I wish I could say I was sad, but the truth is it is such a relief to know she will be in a wanted home. Puppies are a handful. Thanks Michelle and Becky, I wish you all the luck with BBG.


Jessy is a growing girl. Things aren't as blissful and wonderful as the first two weeks home, but we love her anyway. Enough sleepless nights in a row can make anyway a little cranky. I was so spoiled when Taylor was born, my day rotated around day time tv and a mini baby gym on my 6X9 area rug. I have learned that taking care of a new born is a piece of cake, but to do that or anything without enough sleep is more than challenging. I would guess Jessy is up to 10.5 lbs and is a beauty, I think she is going to look just like Taylor but with darker hair and possibly blue eyes.