Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Catching Up

We have had a lot going on lately and it has been so hard to keep up. We had a visit with the fam this last weekend that went by way too quick. We fit in shopping trips, 6 hair cuts, high lights, beauty parlor, two blogs, new email, MP3 training and so much more. The school of Aunt Minnie. We had a great time, and I love all my family sooooo much even though they make me crazy at the same time...go figure. Love to all. My niece Harley got her hair and makeup done and we all decided that she looks like Hanah Montanah with her wig on. She is gorgous!!! I gave my Dad one of the only hair cuts he has gotten in years, he usually cuts his own hair....yikes! Looking good Dad.
Jessy is growing bigger exponetially, Nolan is sweeter, and Taylor is smarter. She told me that she hasn't learned anything at preschool this year so far. I asked her what she meant, and she said, "they haven't event taught me how to read a book mom!" Way too cute, I am not energetic enough to get her to where she wants to be.
So today I put myself out there a little, not too much and found out that I am gratefull to have friends to rely on. So glad I had back up today. Thanks Tera for making me not feel so bad about carefully laying out many pieces of uneaten cake and spotless unused glasses of wine. LOL. Here's to everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha! Their loss. I would have drank out of every glass if I had the time. I was good fun, good times. Here's to more! =)