Friday, November 6, 2009

Sleep Baby Sleep

Nolan 4 years old
Taylor 5 years old
Jessy 11 months old
Precious little ones! When I look at these pictures of these beautiful children I see so many different things that I hope to never forget. Taylor sleeps like her Dad, usually on her stomach or else with her arms over her head. She packs her bed with stuffed animals and books, I used to find rocks in her bed all bedded down for the night. She loves to listen to puff the magic dragon on repeat, get rocket rides to bed, two kisses and two hugs, and if she needs more than that it means she is thirsty or on the verge of a meltdown.
Jessy has slept through the night a handful of times in her short life, and started out by only being able to sleep on her tummy. She would move so much that we had to use the weight of her body as a newborn to hold her in place. She literally got herself half way out of her bassinet before she could roll over. She doesn't like a lot of snuggling, but will humor us every now and again. I will find her laying on the floor sometimes with her head resting and say awhhhhh, instantly she pops up as if to say, "what, I am not tired."
Nolan my boy doesn't like to sleep in his sheets, only on top of his blanket with his big blankie over him. I am not sure he could sleep at this point with out that thing. It is more comforting than I will ever know how to be. He doesn't like kisses, but every so often tells me, "Mom, one kiss, only one, on the cheek today." I'll take what I can get. He doesn't like his wallpaper in his bedroom and has slowly been pealing it off, I have given up on that, because truthfully I would do the same thing if I didn't like it. He is definitely my sweet and sour boy, underneath it all he is the sweetest little guy that can absolutely melt my heart.
Sweet dreams.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Wendy! We need updates! Get to it, woman!